Tuesday Early Morning Ag Update

Today in Ag

Live cattle are down. For Feb. 135.95, April 139.42, June is 135.02.

Feeder Cattle are also down. For Jan. 159.10, March 160.15

Lean hogs are up. Feb. 87.25, April 96.97, May 100.95.

Woodward livestock auction will be having their weekly cow and bull sale today.

Some results from the Western Oklahoma Livestock sale at Clinton. 400# brought up to 206, 500 weights brought 180, 600 weights 160, heifers were up slightly. 400 weights up to 175, 500 weights up to 160, 600 weights up to 150.

Cash grain prices were climbing up.

HRW 7.97, milo 6.27, corn 6.24, soybeans 13.39, cotton was at 1.21 a pound.