Henry Announces Run For Beckham County Sheriff


April 8, 2024

Provided Press Release

My name is Wes Henry I am a republican and I am running for Beckham County Sheriff. In my 20 years of law enforcement experience, I have trained and worked in every facet of criminal investigations. From criminal interdiction traffic stops, crime scene processing, undercover narcotics investigations, white collar crimes, to sexual assaults. I have trial experience on the perpetrators of these heinous crimes putting them where they belong.

I want to make Beckham County the premiere place to live and raise our children in the State of Oklahoma. With my ideas, leadership, and your help and support we can achieve that goal. On Tuesday, June 18th, let’s work together to progress our values by electing Wes Henry as Sheriff.

I was born and raised in Columbus Ohio. At the age of 10 years of age the Boy Scouts of America became a large part of my life. I earned the Rank of Eagle Scout and was nominated for the National Leadership Award and was runner up to meeting then President Ronald Reagan in Washington DC.

I moved to Louisville, Kentucky working for UPS Hub loading planes for international flights. During this time I started my Degree of Wildlife Management & Fisheries Ecology at the Jefferson Community College where I was also a member of Phi Pheta Kappa. After earning my Associates Degree in Science, I was hired on with the State of Washington Fish & Game as crew supervisor at the Issaquah Fish Hatchery marking Coho and Chinook salmon. In the evenings I’d work as assistant manager for the Big 5 Sporting Goods Store in Bellview Washington.

On September, 11 2001 I was packed and ready to make the drive to the Great State of Oklahoma when I heard the horrific news of two planes crashing into the twin towers in New York. Although a very gloomy day for our Country it was the start of a Great relationship for me and the people of Oklahoma.

I moved to Guthrie, Oklahoma and commuted daily to Stillwater Oklahoma where I finished my bachelor degree at the great Oklahoma State University. During my studies at OSU I assisted in a graduate project studying wetlands and a PHD project studying elk populations in Oklahoma. In 2002 I was awarded the John Lowrey Jr. Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Oklahoma Game Warden Association. My senior year at Oklahoma State University, I became a Reserve Police Officer for the Guthrie Police Department. In 2005, I received Reserve Officer of the Year award. At this point in my life I had to make the life changing decision of which dream I wanted to pursue; a game warden or a canine law enforcement officer. After being a public servant for the City of Guthrie, I chose to work towards the goal of becoming a canine law enforcement officer with the Guthrie Police Department.

Once I graduated from Oklahoma State University I became a full time Officer for the Guthrie Police Department. In 2008 I reached my goal and became Guthrie’s Canine Officer.

In 2010 my canine partner “Rudy” and I were recruited to the Kingfisher County Sheriff’s Department by Sheriff Dennis Banther. Numerous interdiction and narcotic arrests were made during this height in my career. I also helped the Cashion Police Department as a reserve canine officer under former Police Chief Jesse Ritchie.

I met my lovely wife Bekah, and 2 children Ava and Jude in 2012. Again I was at a cross road in my career. I decided starting a new family I would leave law enforcement and do subcontracting security work. After a year of absence, I missed law enforcement and moved to Beckham County with my family where I was hired on to the Beckham County Sheriff Department by Scott Jay. I am presently the Chief of Police of the Erick Police Department and have been for the past 4 years.

My family and I fell in love with the community and bought property in Sweetwater. Ava is currently attending college for a nursing degree in Oklahoma City after graduating from Sayre High school. Jude a freshman at Sweetwater High School. Jude currently is involved in track, baseball, cross country and plays basketball.

My candidacy is neither a sudden decision nor is it one undertaken recklessly. I love the work and believe in the integrity of law enforcement. My commitment to this candidacy is simple. It’s because I believe I can do the job, and I would like to do it for you.

By announcing my candidacy today, I assume the obligation to make public before the election how I propose to carry out the duties sheriff and why I believe my candidacy is worth your support. I feel I will bring the sheriff’s office enthusiasm and confidence which any office requires if it is to be done well. So I am submitting myself for consideration with the hope that, when it is time to choose I will be the people’s choice.

Some of the improvements I would like to make as your sheriff if I am elected.

First and foremost, responsible stewardship of taxpayer’s money.

Aggressive and proactive community policing.

A much needed emphasis on improvements of law enforcement patrol and investigative functions.

Bring back the honesty, integrity and professionalism to our sheriff department.

And last and certainly not least as your sheriff I will “ALWAYS “ be accessible to your needs.

Copyright 2023 Paragon Communications. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.


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