Police Investigating Elk City Shooting


July 25, 2024

An arrest was made Wednesday night in Elk City after a shooting took place.

As a result one individual was struck and taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

According to a statement made by ECPD officials, the shooting occurred on West 3rd Street near Oklahoma Ave.

There, police say the shooting occurred and the suspect would flee the scene. After a short search, police were able to locate and arrest the suspect, however the individual indicated to police that he discarded the gun after leaving the scene. Police said that the gun has not been located and are asking the public’s help in finding it. They are asking anyone who lives in the area to search their property. If one finds the gun, or has any additional information regarding the case, they are asked to contact Elk City Police immediately by calling 580-225-1212.

Elk City Police also expressed their appreciation to the Elk City Fire Department, and the Beckham County Sheriff’s Office with their assistance in working the case.

Due to the ongoing investigation into the shooting, the name of the suspect and the shooting victim have not been released.

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